French President Nicholas Sarkozy's description of Burqa as "a sign of subservience" has created a wave of shock around the world. Because a remark like this has come directly from the Statesman of one of the multicultural countries in the world. Earlier the French government had banned people from using religious symbol from government school and offices. This was targeted directly against the Muslims. But unfortunately many other religions like Judaism, Sikhism also has a culture of wearing scalp cap. Since the jews were involved the issue got serious and there were intense debates regarding this.
Before getting into the actual debate lets see why Sarkozy is so obsessed against Burqa. See the picture below you can clearly see Sarkozy intensions.
Since Burqa gives a modest look to the woman, Sarkozy can’t get involved in activities like this. He may not be able to see curves and bumps as he is seeing now (sorry for the language but I am forced to use these words). This is the main reason why Sarkozy wants to abolish Burqa. He doesn’t want to see woman in modest look. He said that the Burqa is a symbol of oppression against the women but the reality is it gives more confidence and makes woman more humble in the look. Many women who wear Burqa never complaint that they are oppressed but instead many take up hijab on their own and say that it is more comfortable for them. Many Muslims around the world have reacted strongly to this Sarkozy’s remark. In fact many women have come out strongly against this comment and have protested against this.